Wednesday 1 March 2017

Final Episode: Belgian Tears (RIP Bill Paxton)

John and Liam are joined by the first and final time by the leader of the #PAXTONPATROL, Aaron Mullan. Listen as the three stray from subject to subject without any real attention paid to movies, or anything really. A man is dead, and if you're in mourning for The Paxman then celebrate the life of a legend with the three of us. Stephen sends his regards, but he was working. Now he wants to do another episode after hearing this. Too bad it's the last ever episode.

Please join us for SWAG 3: This Project Has Not Yet Been Titled, a thrilling Martial Arts Political Thriller depicting Donald Trump's rise to power, and our new podcast Rotten Potatoes. John will also be on Thomas Pollock's Youtube channel discussing the cinematic merit of Dirty Grandpa. Thanks for the memories guys, catch you on the clipshow.